Federal Reserve Goolsbee: Economic conditions will determine the extent of interest rate cuts
Mr Goolsbee said policy was "very restrictive" and that the economy was not overheating; that a rise in unemployment could indicate a worsening
Mr Goolsbee said policy was "very restrictive" and that the economy was not overheating; that a rise in unemployment could indicate a worsening
According to the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), 26 companies will pay more than $390 million in fines for record-keeping errors, including RBC Capital, Regal Financial and TD Securities
8월 14일, 증권거래위원회(SEC)는 오늘 애틀랜타에 본사를 둔 드라이브 플래닝 LLC와 설립자이자 CEO인 Russell Todd Burkhalter가 2,000명 이상의 투자자에게
On August 14, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) announced today that it has obtained preliminary injunctions, asset freezes and other emerge
Ant Digital의 CTO인 Wang Wei는 Sina Technology의 질문에 대해 Ant Digital이 새로운 에너지 자산이 포함된 국경을 초월한 RWA 프로젝트의 구현을 적극적
Wang Wei, CTO of Ant Digital, revealed in response to a question from Sina Technology that Ant Digital is actively promoting the implementation
홍콩 영화 및 텔레비전 엔터테인먼트 주식은 계속 후퇴했고 텐센트 뮤직(01698 HK)은 18% 이상, 스타 차이나(06698 HK)는 3% 이상, 캣츠 아이 엔터테인먼트(0
Hong Kong film and television entertainment stocks continued to pull back, Tencent Music (01698 HK) fell more than 18%, Star Chinese (06698 HK) fell more than 3%, Cat s Eye Entertainment (01896 HK), Ali Pictures (01060 HK) fell more than 1%
왕양 홍콩과기대 부총장 겸 홍콩웹3 0협회 수석과학자는 & 039;웹3 0의 새로운 생태계 구축을 위해 홍콩달러 스테이블코인 발행& 039;이라는 기사를 썼는데, 현 단계에서
Wang Yang, vice president of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and chief scientist of Hong Kong Web3 0 Association, wrote an article
필리핀 중앙은행 총재는 통화정책의 방향이 결국 완화로 향할 것이라고 말했다 상황이 무르익었을 때, 인플레이션이 통제되고 있다고 느낄 때, 우리는 정책
The governor of the Philippine central bank said that the direction of monetary policy will eventually trend towards easing When conditions are
법무부와 증권거래위원회(SEC)는 공매도 카슨 블록에 대한 조사를 아무런 조치 없이 끝냈다고 소식통은 전했습니다
The Department of Justice and the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) ended their investigation into Carson Block, who sold short, without taking action, the sources said
According to Arkham monitoring, the Pendle Ecosystem Fund multi-signature address has today transferred 600,000 PENDLEs, worth approximately $1 64 mi
According to Arkham monitoring, the Pendle Ecosystem Fund multi-signature address has today transferred 600,000 PENDLEs, worth approximately $1 64 mi
The earnings of bitcoin miners continued to decline for two weeks and hit a new annual low on August 11, falling to $2 54 million This figure was last seen in October 2023
The earnings of bitcoin miners continued to decline for two weeks and hit a new annual low on August 11, falling to $2 54 million This figure was last seen in October 2023
Lookonchain 모니터링 데이터에 따르면 고래는 이더리움 ICO에서 0 31달러에 ETH로 100만 달러를 받았고 12시간 전에 OKX에 5,000 ETH(1320만 달러)를 추가로
Lookonchain monitoring data shows that a whale received $1 million in ETH for $0 31 in the Ethereum ICO and deposited another 5,000 ETH ($13 2