Former Coinbase CTO Proposes Replacing Fed's Interest Rate Setting Authority with Market Order Book
On January 26th, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong wrote on the X platform that the main reason for inflation is the overissue of money If the Uni
On January 26th, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong wrote on the X platform that the main reason for inflation is the overissue of money If the Uni
코인베이스의 CEO인 브라이언 암스트롱은 "비트코인은 금보다 더 나은 형태의 돈입니다 "라고 말했습니다
Brian Armstrong, chief executive of Coinbase, said: "Bitcoin is a better form of money than gold "
On January 24, according to a tweet by US political commentator Brian Tyler Cohen on the X platform, US Republican Congressman Andy Ogles is currently proposing a constitutional amendment that would allow Trump to run for a third term
On January 24, according to a tweet by US political commentator Brian Tyler Cohen on the X platform, US Republican Congressman Andy Ogles is currently proposing a constitutional amendment that would allow Trump to run for a third term
Coegraph에 따르면 Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong은 다음과 같이 말했습니다 "Solana에 대한 노력을 강화하고 인프라를 확장하고 DEX meme 트랜잭션과 같은 일
According to Cointelegraph, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong said: "It is clear that we need to step up our efforts on Solana, expand our infrastructure, and provide native support for common use cases such as DEX meme transactions "
테크니아시아에 따르면 브라이언 암스트롱 코인베이스 CEO는 스위스 다보스에서 열린 세계경제포럼(WEF)에 참석한 자리에서 트럼프 대통령의 대통령직이 암호화
According to Techinasia, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong said during his participation in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that Trump& 039;s
据Techinasia报道,Coinbase首席执行官Brian Armstrong在参与瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛期间表示,特朗普的总统任期可能会推动加密货币投资的增加。 Brian Armstrong表示美国等主
브라이언 암스트롱 코인베이스 최고경영자(CEO)는 2025년 스위스 다보스 포럼에서 "비트코인은 적자 지출과 인플레이션에 대한 좋은 대응책 "이라고 말했다
Brian Armstrong, chief executive of Coinbase, said at the Davos forum in Switzerland in 2025: "Bitcoin is a good counterweight to deficit spending and inflation because once things get out of hand, people will turn to Bitcoin for safety "
1월 22일, 코인베이스 CEO 브라이언 암스트롱은 다가오는 미국의 스테이블 코인 규정으로 인해 발행자들이 미국 재무부 채권으로 미국 달러 표시 토큰을 완
On January 22nd, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong believes that the upcoming US stablecoin regulations may require issuers to fully back their US dol
1月22日消息,Coinbase首席执行官Brian Armstrong认为,即将出台的美国稳定币法规可能要求发行方完全以美国国债支持其美元计价代币,这一举措可能会使离岸公司更难服务于美国市场
Brian Moynihan Bank of America(BoA) CEO는 스위스 다보스에서 열린 세계경제포럼에서 CNBC와의 인터뷰에서 적절한 규제가 암호화폐 결제를 "현실"로 만든다
In an interview with CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America (BoA), said that if proper
美国银行(BoA)首席执行官Brian Moynihan在瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛接受CNBC采访时表示,如果适当的监管让加密支付“成为现实”,那么“银行系统将在交易方面采取强硬措施”。
코인베이스의 CEO인 브라이언 암스트롱은 다음과 같이 말했습니다 "저는 마침내 우리가 해결되지 않은 큰 문제들에 대해 미국에서 규제적인 명확성을 얻을
Brian Armstrong, chief executive of Coinbase, said: "I think we finally have a chance to get some regulatory clarity in the US on some of the big unresolved issues, and frankly, under Gary Gensler, we haven t had any clarity in a long time "