A trader spends 0.2 SOL on MBAPPE and earns 4,330 times in 3 minutes
According to Lookonchain monitoring, a trader spent 0 2 SOL ($29) to buy MBAPPE, 3 minutes later sold 866 13 SOL ($1 2516 million), the return a
According to Lookonchain monitoring, a trader spent 0 2 SOL ($29) to buy MBAPPE, 3 minutes later sold 866 13 SOL ($1 2516 million), the return a
공식 발표에 따르면 바이낸스는 플래시 교환 및 "코인 구매" 서비스에 유로이트(EURI)를 추가한다고 발표했습니다 사용자는 이제 플래시 교환을 통해 BTC,
According to the official announcement, Binance has announced the addition of Eurite (EURI) to its flash exchange and "buy coins" service Users
X 플랫폼의 비트코인 매거진에 따르면 투자 어드바이저는 2024년 2분기에 11억 달러 상당의 현물 비트코인 ETF를 매입했습니다
According to Bitcoin Magazine on the X platform, investment advisors bought $1 10 billion worth of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the second quarter of 2024
공식 발표에 따르면 바이낸스 웰스 매니지먼트, 원클릭 코인 구매 및 플래시 교환 거래 플랫폼이 도그(DOGS) 신규 자산을 출시했습니다 또한 바이낸스는 2
According to the official announcement, Binance Wealth Management, one-click coin buying and flash exchange trading platforms have launched Dogs (DO
ZhuSu는 X 플랫폼에 평균 $5 8의 가격으로 TON 토큰을 구입했으며 TAO, SUI 및 POPCAT에서 긴 직책을 보유하고 있다고 썼습니다
ZhuSu wrote on the X platform that he bought TON tokens at an average price of $5 8 and held long positions in TAO, SUI, and POPCAT
According to the official page of El Salvador, El Salvador is still sticking to the plan of buying 1 BTC per day, and its treasury currently holds 5,846 76 BTC, which is worth more than 347 million dollars
According to the official page of El Salvador, El Salvador is still sticking to the plan of buying 1 BTC per day, and its treasury currently holds 5,846 76 BTC, which is worth more than 347 million dollars
@ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 특정 주소가 NEIRO를 98,000달러의 높은 손실로 구입했습니다
According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, a certain address has bought NEIRO at a high loss of 98,000 dollars
마라톤 디지털 홀딩스는 2억 4천 9백만 달러에 4,144개의 비트코인을 구입했으며 현재 25,000개 이상을 보유하고 있습니다
Marathon Digital Holdings just bought 4,144 bitcoins for $249 million and currently holds more than 25,000
According to Lookonchain, the whale "0xC4Db " bought 3,291 MKR ($6 64 million) from Binance in the past five days through the wallet "0x16F6 "
According to Lookonchain, the whale "0xC4Db " bought 3,291 MKR ($6 64 million) from Binance in the past five days through the wallet "0x16F6 "
Lookonchain 모니터링에 따르면 Huang Licheng은 여전히 FRIEND를 계속 매입하고 있으며 현재 보유 가치는 약 150만 달러, 총 구매 비용은 1650만 달러, 부동 손실은 1,500만 달러입니다
According to Lookonchain monitoring, Huang Licheng is still continuing to buy FRIEND, the current value of its holdings is about 1 50 million US
0xScope에 따르면, 거대한 고래는 2,500달러에 5,000 ETH (1280만 달러)를 샀습니다 지난번에 고래는 2,100달러에 사서 3,100달러에 팔렸습니다