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어제 GBTC 순유출액 7,360만 달러

파사이드 인베스터즈 모니터링에 따르면 어제(7월 30일) 미국 현물 비트코인 ETF 자료에 따르면 GBTC 순유출액은 7,360만 달러, BITB 순유출액은 320만 달러, ARKB 순유출액은 790만 달러입니다

GBTC net outflow yesterday 73.60 million USD

According to Farside Investors monitoring, the US spot bitcoin ETF data yesterday (July 30) showed that GBTC net outflow of 73 60 million dollars; BITB net outflow of 3 20 million dollars; ARKB net outflow of 7 90 million dollars

GBTC net outflow yesterday 26.50 million USD

According to Farside Investors monitoring, the US spot bitcoin ETF data yesterday (July 26) showed that GBTC net outflow of funds 26 50 million US dollars; BITB net inflow of 31 40 million US dollars; EZBC, ARKB no capital inflow or outflow