26 July Coinbase UK 자회사는 부적절한 자금 세탁 방지 통제로 인해 450만 달러의 벌금을 부과했습니다. 코인베이스의 영국 자회사인 CBPL(CB Payment Limited)은 영국 금융 행동 당국으로부터 자금 세탁 방지 통제가 제대로 되지 않아 450만 달러의 벌금을 부과받
26 July Coinbase UK subsidiary fined $4.50 million for inadequate anti-money laundering controls CB Payments Limited (CBPL), a UK subsidiary of Coinbase, was fined $4 50 million by the UK Financial Conduct Authority for poor anti-money launde
26 July Coinbase英国子公司因反洗钱控制不充分而被罚款450万美元 Coinbase 旗下的英国子公司 CB Payments Limited(CBPL)因对反洗钱控制不力,被英国金融行为监管局罚款 450 万美元。 CBPL 是一家受监管的电子货币机构 (EMI),作为英
25 July 코인베이스 CB 지불 유한회사는 FCA에 의해 450만 달러의 벌금을 부과했습니다. {#블록 프로에 따르면, 코인베이스 그룹의 계열사인 } CB CB Payments Limited, a unit of Coinbase Group, was fined $4 50 million by the FCA for "high-risk " customer violations, according to THE BLOCK PRO
25 July Coinbase CB Payments Limited fined $4.50 million by FCA CB Payments Limited, a unit of Coinbase Group, was fined $4 50 million by the FCA for "high-risk " customer violations, according to THE BLOCK PRO