02 March EF researcher Danny Ryan announced his return to the Ethereum ecosystem and join Ethereum Foundation researcher Danny Ryan announced on the X platform that he has joined Etherealize as a co-creator to help Ethereum develop, an
02 March EF researcher Danny Ryan announced his return to the Ethereum ecosystem and joined Etherealize as a co-creator Ethereum Foundation researcher Danny Ryan announced on the X platform that he has joined Etherealize as a co-creator to help Ethereum develop, an
02 March EF研究员Danny Ryan宣布回归以太坊生态并以联创身份加入Etherealize <p>以太坊基金会研究员Danny Ryan近日在X平台宣布以联合创始人身份加入Etherealize,这一消息得到了以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin的公开欢迎。Danny Ryan的加入标志着以太坊生态
30 January 以太坊社区发起非正式链上投票,支持Danny Ryan担任基金会新领导 以太坊社区成员在非官方链上投票中,压倒性支持Danny Ryan成为以太坊基金会(EF)的下一任领导人。目前,在持有超过50,000 ETH(价值约1 6亿美元)的296个钱包中,99%投票支持Ry
14 September 비탈릭은 이더리움 생태계에 대한 대니 라이언의 공헌을 높이 평가하며 PoW-to-PoS 프로세스에서의 그의 업적을 강조했습니다. 이더리움 재단의 핵심 연구원인 대니 라이언의 탈퇴에 대해 비탈릭 이더리움 공동 창업자는 X 플랫폼에 "이더리움 생태계를 위해 노력해 주셔서 대단히 감
14 September 비탈릭은 이더리움 생태계에 기여한 대니 라이언에게 박수를 보내며, 후자가 세계가 전기 소비를 0.23% 줄일 수 있도록 자랑스럽게 해주기를 바란 In response to the departure of Danny Ryan, a core researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, Vitalik, co-founder of Ethereum, wrote on the X platfo
14 September Vitalik praised Danny Ryan's contributions to the Ethereum ecosystem, highlighting his work in the PoW-to-PoS process In response to the departure of Danny Ryan, a core researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, Vitalik, co-founder of Ethereum, wrote on the X platfo
14 September Vitalik applauds Danny Ryan for his contributions to the Ethereum ecosystem, and hopes that the latter will be proud to help the world cut electricity consumption by 0.23% In response to the departure of Danny Ryan, a core researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, Vitalik, co-founder of Ethereum, wrote on the X platfo
14 September 이더리움 재단 연구원 Danny Ryan은 7년간의 기부를 끝내고 새로운 기회를 찾기 위해 떠납니다. 이더리움 재단의 연구원인 대니 라이언은 이더리움 생태계에 대한 7년간의 공헌을 끝내기 위해 그의 출발을 발표했습니다 그는 깃허브에 대해 "떠나는 이유
14 September Ethereum Foundation researcher Danny Ryan ends seven years of contributions and leaves to find new opportunities Danny Ryan, a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, announced his departure to end his seven-year contribution to the Ethereum ecosystem He said
14 September 以太坊基金会研究员Danny Ryan结束七年贡献,离职寻找新机会 以太坊基金会研究员Danny Ryan宣布离开,以结束他在以太坊生态系统中的七年贡献。他在GitHub上表示,离职的原因是个人原因以及为新的机会腾出空间,强调这一决定并不反映以太坊或