• 34ºc, Sunny


Degen在X平台发文称,“ degen” 和 “ degen eth”是不同的域名,并没有忘记域名服务,未来将把域名服务纳入Degen生态,但这需要一些时间,因为需要找出最佳方法。

Degen: Airdrop 2 Season 5 applications are online

On July 11th, Degen announced on the X platform that the fifth season of Airdrop 2 has been launched, and it is no longer necessary to keep 10,000 DEGEN in the wallet In addition, only Degen locked in Degen Vault in the sixth season will be counted

Degen has launched the name service

The Degen Name Service has been officially launched, allowing users to register a " eth " subdomain on the website In addition, they can also set the default name and avatar of their wallet

DEGEN은 $0.019 이하로 떨어집니다.

시장에 따르면 DEGEN은 0 019달러 아래로 떨어졌으며 현재 0 01838달러로 24시간 하락한 18 35%를 기록하고 있습니다 시장이 크게 변동하니 리스크 관리를 잘해 주세요

DEGEN falls below $0.019

The market shows that DEGEN fell below $0 019 and is now reported at $0 01838, a 24-hour decline of 18 35% The market fluctuates greatly, please do a good job in risk control