18 February OpenZK co-founder Dave Sandor: Protocol token OZK information will be announced in Q1 2025 Co-hosted by Twinkle and co-hosted by HTX DAO, OpenZK and Dolphin DAO, the "Golden Star Sharing Conference · Big& 039;Potential & 039;Voice" theme private
18 February OpenZK联合创始人Dave Sandor:2025年Q1将公布协议代币OZK信息 由与Twinkle共同主办,HTX DAO、OpenZK和Dolphin DAO联合主办的“金色星享会·大‘势’发声”主题私享会2月18日在香港举行。OpenZK联合创始人Dave Sandor在会上发表主题演讲表
24 January 돌핀 데시는 1월 24일 14시에 채굴을 시작할 것입니다. 1월 24일 DOLPHIN Desci는 1월 24일 14:00에 스테이킹 채굴을 시작합니다 DOLPHIN Desci 스테이킹 마이닝은 사용자에게 안정적이고 효율적인 스테이킹 디지
24 January DOLPHIN Desci will start staking mining at 14:00 on January 24th On January 24th, DOLPHIN Desci will start staking mining at 14:00 on January 24th DOLPHIN Desci staking mining aims to provide users with a st
20 January Dolphin은 JuCoin Labs와 Impressive Vventure로부터 2천만 달러의 공동 투자를 발표했습니다. 1월 20일, Dolphin은 DeSci 생태계의 심층 배치를 진전시키기 위해 JuCoin Labs와 Impressive Vventure로부터 2,000만 달러의 공동 투자를 받았다고 발표했습
20 January Dolphin Announces $20 million Joint Investment from JuCoin Labs and Impressive Venture On January 20, Dolphin announced that it has received $20 million in joint investment from JuCoin Labs and Impressive Venture to advance the dee
20 January Dolphin宣布已获得JuCoin Labs与Impressive Venture 2000万美元联合投资 1月20日消息,Dolphin宣布已获得JuCoin Labs与Impressive Venture 2000万美元联合投资,用于推进DeSci生态的深度布局。 近期,海豚生态联合142Pact、Wisdom3、Falcon、Nachai