DWF Labs is in talks with one of the largest payment systems in Central Asia
Andrei Grachev, co-founder of DWF Labs, said on the X platform that the company is in talks with one of the largest payment systems in Central
Andrei Grachev, co-founder of DWF Labs, said on the X platform that the company is in talks with one of the largest payment systems in Central
7월 24일, Lumia는 RWA 시장의 발전을 촉진하기 위해 DWF Labs와 파트너십을 발표했습니다 Lumia는 Layer-2 기술과 Lumia Stream 기능을 활용하여 RWA 공
On July 24th, Lumia announced a partnership with DWF Labs to promote the development of the RWA market By leveraging its Layer-2 technology and
DWF Labs 파트너인 Andrei Grachev는 X 플랫폼에 2021년에 시장이 NFT를 발행하여 IP를 토큰화하려고 할 것이며 이제 사람들은 IP를 사용하여 Meme을 게시합
DWF Labs partner Andrei Grachev wrote on the X platform that in 2021 the market will try to tokenize IP by issuing NFTs, and now people use
DWF Labs의 2천만 달러 Cloudbreak 펀드는 기존 소셜 파이 프로젝트가 새로운 수준에 도달하도록 도와 프로젝트에 유동성뿐만 아니라 성장과 대량 채택을 제공할 수 있습니다
DWF Labs $20 million Cloudbreak Fund can help existing SocialFi projects reach new heights, providing not only liquidity for projects, but also growth and mass adoption
온체인 분석가 @ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 DWF Labs는 TRU 시장 메이커가 되었습니다 타임라인 마무리 -05 27 포럼은 DWF를 시장 메이커로 임명하는 제
According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, DWF Labs became a TRU market maker timeline finishing -05 27 The Forum initiated a proposal
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa 监测,DWF Labs 成为 TRU 做市商。 时间线整理 -05 27 论坛发起提案,提议由 DWF 作为其做市商; -07 02 提案在 Tally 开启投票,07 1
DWF Labs는 X 플랫폼에서 Algorand의 성장이 여전히 강력하다고 말했습니다 DWF Ventures에는 RWA(실제 자산), DeFi 등의 최신 개발 상황을 살펴보는 에코시스템 요약이 있습니다
DWF Labs said on the X platform that Algorand s growth remains strong DWF Ventures has an ecosystem summary that delves into the latest developments in RWA (real-world assets), DeFi, and more
DWF Labs在X平台表示,Algorand的增长依然强劲。DWF Ventures 一个生态系统摘要,深入探讨了RWA(现实世界资产)、DeFi等领域的最新发展。
올해 미국 선거의 영향을 받았는지 DWF Labs의 파트너인 Andrei Grachev는 PolitFi가 "올해의 걸작"이 될 것이며 하이라이트의 99%가 올 가을에 발생합니다
或受今年美国大选影响,DWF Labs 合伙人 Andrei Grachev 发文称,PolitFi 将是“今年的杰作”,99% 的亮点将会发生在今年秋天。 注:PolitFi 是将政治符号与投机交易动
Perhaps influenced by this year& 039;s US election, Andrei Grachev, a partner at DWF Labs, wrote that PolitFi will be "the masterpiece of the year",
DWF Labs는 소셜 미디어 게시물을 통해 DWF Labs가 혁신적이고 경쟁력 있는 중국어 고품질 프로젝트에 대한 자금 지원과 국제 전략 리소스 지원을 제공하기
DWF Labs在社交媒体发文表示,DWF Labs推出2000万美元加密原生基金Cloudbreak,为具有创新性和竞争力的华语优质项目提供资金和国际化的战略资源支持。
DWF Labs said in a social media post that DWF Labs launched 20 million US dollar crypto native fund Cloudbreak to provide funding and international strategic resource support for innovative and competitive Chinese-language high-quality projects
DWF Labs announced that it has established a strategic partnership with P2E chain game Gatto Game to support players in earning TON