Analyst: Ethereum ETF spot trading will experience greater volatility after launch
Due to the opening of the Ethereum cash market, derivatives market participants are expecting a lot of volatility in ETH this week Analysts pre
Due to the opening of the Ethereum cash market, derivatives market participants are expecting a lot of volatility in ETH this week Analysts pre
이더리움 공동 창업자인 비탈릭 부테린은 X에 올린 글에서 예측 시장 폴리 마켓의 인상적인 성과를 높이 평가했습니다 그는 플랫폼이 미국 선거 과정에
Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, praised the impressive performance of prediction market Polymarket in a post on X He said that the plat
이더리움 재단의 공식 연구원인 저스틴 드레이크는 오늘이 이더리움의 열 번째 생일이라고 SNS에 올렸습니다 2014년 7월 22일, 이더리움은 공식적으로 IC0을
Justin Drake, an official researcher of the Ethereum Foundation, posted on social media that today is the tenth birthday of Ethereum On July 22
Dune 데이터에 따르면 이더리움 비콘 체인의 총 스테이킹 ETH 양은 33,622,501개에 달했고, 스테이킹 ETH는 전체 공급량의 28 06%를 차지했습니다 이 가운
According to Dune data, the total amount of staked ETH in the Ethereum beacon chain reached 33,622,501, and the staked ETH accounted for 28 06% of the total supply Among them, the staking share of the liquidity staking protocol Lido reached 29 06%
DeFiLama 데이터에 따르면 이더리움 유동성 재스테이킹 프로토콜 Eigenpie TVL은 지난 7일 103% 증가한 15억9700만 달러에 달했습니다
According to DeFiLlama data, the Ethereum liquidity re-staking protocol Eigenpie TVL reached $1 597 billion, an increase of 103% on the 7th
According to L2BEAT data, the current Ethereum Layer2 total lock volume (TVL) reached $45 15 billion, a weekly increase of 10 13% Among them, Scroll network TVL broke through $1 billion, and is now reported at $1 10 billion, a weekly increase of 15 68%
According to L2BEAT data, the current Ethereum Layer2 total lock volume (TVL) reached $45 15 billion, a weekly increase of 10 13% Among them, Scroll network TVL broke through $1 billion, and is now reported at $1 10 billion, a weekly increase of 15 68%
Coingalss 데이터에 따르면 순전체 이더리움 계약 보유액은 147억9800만 달러로 24시간 0 62% 감소했습니다 또한 네트워크 비트코인 계약 보유액은 현재 365억6600만 달러로 24시간 0 08% 감소했습니다
According to Coingalss data, the net-wide Ethereum contract holdings were reported at $14 798 billion, a 24-hour decrease of 0 62% In addition, the network bitcoin contract holdings are now 36 566 billion dollars, 24 hours down 0 08%
이더리움 가스 가격은 현재 3gwei로 제시되고 있으며 빠른 가스 가격은 5gwei입니다
According to Etherscan data, the Ethereum gas price is now quoted at 3gwei, and the fast gas price is 5gwei
암호화폐 시장이 부상하면서 L2BEAT의 최신 자료에 따르면 이더리움 2계층 네트워크의 총 잠금량(TVL)은 450억 달러를 넘어 반등해 현재 451억4000만 달러로
According to the latest data from L2BEAT, with the rise of the crypto market, the total lock volume (TVL) of the Ethereum second-layer network
According to the market, the MEME token FEAR NOT on the Ethereum chain has broken through 0 0001USDT, and is now quoted at 0 0001023USDT, a sin
According to the market, the MEME token FEAR NOT on the Ethereum chain has broken through 0 0001USDT, and is now quoted at 0 0001023USDT, a sin
DefiLama 데이터에 따르면 이더리움 유동성 재스테이킹 프로토콜 TVL은 현재 136억 5천만 달러이며, 이 중 TVL의 상위 5개 프로토콜은 다음과 같습니다 -et