14 June 바이든 대통령은 FDIC 및 재무부 고위직에 CFTC 위원을 지명했습니다.#} 백악관이 3일 발표한 성명에 따르면 조 바이든 미국 대통령은 크리 According to a statement released by the White House on Thursday, U S President Joe Biden announced the nomination of Commodity Futures Trading
14 June President Biden nominates CFTC commissioner for senior FDIC and Treasury positions According to a statement released by the White House on Thursday, U S President Joe Biden announced the nomination of Commodity Futures Trading
13 June 백악관은 암호화폐 친화적인 CFTC 위원들을 FDIC 의장과 재무부 임원으로 지명할 것으로 예상됩니다. 6월 13일, 백악관은 암호 친화적인 미국 상품 선물 거래 위원회(CFTC) 위원을 FDIC 위원장 겸 미국 재무부 집행자로 지명할 것으로 예상됩니다 ChristyGol
13 June The White House is expected to nominate crypto-friendly CFTC commissioners as FDIC chairpeople and Treasury executives On June 13, the White House is expected to nominate crypto-friendly U S Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) commissioner as FDIC chairpers
12 June 바이든은 골드스미스 로메로를 차기 FDIC 의장으로 선출할 것으로 예상됩니다.#} 백악관은 최종 결정이 내려지지 않았으며 빠르면 이번 주에 발표 The White House is preparing to pick Christy Goldsmith Romero, the top US derivatives regulator, to lead efforts to overhaul the Federal Deposit
12 June Biden is expected to choose Goldsmith Romero as the next FDIC chairperson The White House is preparing to pick Christy Goldsmith Romero, the top US derivatives regulator, to lead efforts to overhaul the Federal Deposit