19 March 1. NVIDIA의 차세대 AI 칩 아키텍처는 Feynman으로 명명되었으며 2028년에 출시될 예정입니다. 2. NVIDIA는 "AI"로 알려 <스팬 클래스="섹션-뉴스">1 NVIDIA의 차세대 AI 칩 아키텍처인 Feynman은 2028년에 출시될 예정입니다 < span><br><span 클래스="섹션-뉴스">2 NVIDIA는 "AI
19 March 1. NVIDIA's next-generation AI chip architecture is named Feynman and will debut in 2028. 2. NVIDIA releases Dynamo, known as "AI... < Span class = "section-news" > 1 NVIDIA& 039;s next-generation AI chip architecture named Feynman, which will debut in 2028 < span > < br > < sp
19 March NVIDIA's next-generation AI chip architecture named Feynman will debut in 2028 On March 19, at the NVIDIA (NVDA O) GTC 2025 conference early this morning, NVIDIA CEO Huang Renxun announced a new generation of AI chip Rub
19 March NVIDIA's next-generation AI chip architecture named Feynman will debut in 2028 On March 19, at the NVIDIA (NVDA O) GTC 2025 conference early this morning, NVIDIA CEO Huang Renxun announced a new generation of AI chip Rub