FISH는 16:00에 JuCoin 교환을 나열합니다.
1월 18일, FlyFish의 공식 뉴스에 따르면, FlyFish의 경제 토큰 FISH는 베이징 시간으로 16:00에 JuCoin 거래소에서 출시될 예정입니다
1월 18일, FlyFish의 공식 뉴스에 따르면, FlyFish의 경제 토큰 FISH는 베이징 시간으로 16:00에 JuCoin 거래소에서 출시될 예정입니다
On January 18, according to the official news of FlyFish, its economic token FISH will be launched on the JuCoin exchange at 16:00 Beijing time
Onchain Lens에 따르면 지난 24시간 동안 고래 한 마리가 210만 USDC를 사용하여 1078억 9천만 조각의 PEPE를 평균 0 0000194달러에 구입했습니다
According to Onchain Lens, in the past 24 hours, a whale spent 2 1 million USDC to purchase 107 89 billion pieces of PEPE at an average price of $0 0000194
According to Onchain Lens, a whale purchased 101 billion PEPE and spent 1 79 million USDC This is the whale s fifth PEPE trade, having lost a total of $1 66 million in the previous four trades
According to Onchain Lens, a whale purchased 101 billion PEPE and spent 1 79 million USDC This is the whale s fifth PEPE trade, having lost a total of $1 66 million in the previous four trades
According to on-chain analyst Ember, a whale transferred 80,000 SOL (15 56 million dollars) to Coinbase Prime 5 hours ago He received a gain of
According to on-chain analyst Ember, a whale transferred 80,000 SOL (15 56 million dollars) to Coinbase Prime 5 hours ago He received a gain of
Lookonchain에 따르면 SUI에서 약 2천만 달러의 고래의 긴 위치가 청산 위기에 처해 있습니다 고래는 Suilend에 410 SUI(1930만 달러)와 100,000 sSUI(470,0
According to Lookonchain, a whale& 039;s long position of about $20 million in SUI is facing liquidation: The whale deposited 410 SUI ($19 30 million)
According to Onchain Lens, a whale bought 469,232 VIRTUAL tokens for 500 WETH (about $2 19 million) 2 hours ago, with an average purchase price
According to Onchain Lens, a whale bought 469,232 VIRTUAL tokens for 500 WETH (about $2 19 million) 2 hours ago, with an average purchase price
Lookonchain에 따르면 10시간 전에 고래 한 마리가 7,002 SOL(150만 달러)에 497만 마리의 떼를 샀는데, 이는 현재 30만 달러의 가치가 있습니다
According to Lookonchain, 10 hours ago, a whale bought 4 97 million swarms for 7,002 SOL ($1 50 million), which is currently worth $300,000
체인 분석가 Ali Yu X는 고래들이 지난 48시간 동안 4천만 개 이상의 ADA를 구입했다고 썼습니다
Chain analyst Ali Yu X wrote that the whales purchased more than 40 million ADAs in the past 48 hours
According to on-chain analyst ai_9684xtpa monitoring, a heavy position short ETH whales continue to add positions, the nominal value of the positi
According to on-chain analyst ai_9684xtpa monitoring, a heavy position short ETH whales continue to add positions, the nominal value of the positi
한 시간 전 Lookonchain에 따르면 고래 한 마리가 189만 ENA에 84,370 LINK(190만 달러)를 교환했습니다
According to Lookonchain, an hour ago, a whale exchanged 84,370 LINK (1 90 million USD) for 1 79 million ENA