거대한 고래가 5개월 만에 다시 271만 OM을 사재기했는데, 이는 약 380만 달러입니다.#} 온체인 렌즈에 따르면, 지난 한 시간 동안 5개
According to Onchain Lens, in the past hour, a giant whale that has been inactive for 5 months has withdrawn 2 71 million OM (about 3 80 milli
According to Onchain Lens, in the past hour, a giant whale that has been inactive for 5 months has withdrawn 2 71 million OM (about 3 80 milli
According to Onchain Lens, in the past hour, a giant whale that has been inactive for 5 months has withdrawn 2 71 million OM (about 3 80 milli
Lookonchain에 따르면 지난 3일 동안 새 지갑이 Binance에서 150,011 SOL(약 2,625만 달러 상당)을 모금하여 약속했습니다
According to Lookonchain, in the past three days, a new wallet has raised 150,011 SOL (worth about $26 25 million) from Binance and pledged it
Arkham 모니터링 데이터에 따르면 약 8시간 전부터 총 약 7,342 BTC가 ARK Invest Bitcoin 교환 거래 펀드 ARKB 21 Shares Bitcoin ETF에서 6건의 거래(
According to Arkham monitoring data, starting about eight hours ago, a total of about 7,342 BTC was exited from the ARK Invest Bitcoin exchange-
Lookonchain 모니터링 데이터에 따르면 한 시간 전에 새 지갑이 Binance에서 106만 PENDLE(약 508만 달러 상당)을 인출했습니다
According to Lookonchain monitoring data, an hour ago, a new wallet withdrew 1 06 million PENDLE (worth about $5 08 million) from Binance
According to Lookonchain monitoring, in the past 6 hours, a giant whale has once again raised 8,065 ETH (about 21 77 million US dollars) from Binance, and its total assets have reached 390 million US dollars
According to Lookonchain monitoring, in the past 6 hours, a giant whale has once again raised 8,065 ETH (about 21 77 million US dollars) from Binance, and its total assets have reached 390 million US dollars
Arkham의 모니터링에 따르면 약 2분 전에 8,812 ETH가 Binance 핫 지갑 주소에서 Metalpha: Gnosis Safe Proxy로 전송되었으며 약 2,386만 달러의 가치가 있습니다
According to Arkham s monitoring, about 2 minutes ago, 8,812 ETH was transferred from the Binance hot wallet address to the Metalpha marked address Metalpha: Gnosis Safe Proxy, worth about $23 86 million
타임즈 오브 이스라엘: 사우디 보도에 따르면 레바논의 드론이 카이사레아에 있는 네타냐후의 사저를 목표로 삼았다고 합니다
According to the Times of Israel: Saudi reports say drones from Lebanon targeted Netanyahu s private residence in Caesarea
The Data Nerd에 따르면 24시간 이내에 Cumberland는 거래소에서 1,755 BTC(약 1억 1,854만 달러)를 인출했습니다 바이낸스, OKX, 코인베이스, 현재
According to The Data Nerd, within 24 hours, Cumberland withdrew 1,755 BTC (about $118 54 million) from the exchange: Binance, OKX, Coinbase, now has 2,313 BTC (about $155 84 million) in its main wallet
카이코 리서치에 따르면 올해 6월 유럽연합(EU)의 크립토자산시장법(MiCA) 일부가 시행된 이후 서클의 EURC, 소시에테 지네랄레의 EURCV 등 준수 유로 스테이
According to Kaiko Research, since parts of the European Union& 039;s Crypto Asset Markets Act (MiCA) came into force in June this year, compliant eu
실수로 8,000 비트 코인이 들어있는 하드 드라이브를 버린 Newport의 IT 엔지니어 James Howells는 Newport City 위원회에 4억 9,500만 파운드(약 6억 4,70
James Howells, an IT engineer from Newport who accidentally discarded a hard drive containing 8,000 bitcoins, is suing Newport City Council for 4