24 June Zora Networks TVL drops to $27.51 million According to L2BEAT data, Zora network TVL fell to $27 51 million, a decline of 1 75% on the 7th
23 June ZKsync Era TVL은 7일 81.34% 상승해 13억 달러를 넘어섰다. L2BEAT 자료에 따르면 현재 이더리움 레이어 2 토탈락업(TVL)은 436억 달러로 지난 7일 1 41% 감소했습니다 그중 상위 5개 락업은 Arbitrum One(177억1000
23 June ZKsync Era TVL rose 81.34% on the 7th, exceeding 1.30 billion US dollars According to L2BEAT data, the current Ethereum Layer 2 total lock-up (TVL) fell to $43 60 billion, a decline of 1 41% on the 7th Among them,