25 March MtGox address transferred 11,501 BTC 2 hours ago On March 25, according to the monitoring of The Data Nerd, the MtGox address transferred 11,501 BTC to 2 addresses 2 hours ago: · 893 4 BTC
25 March MtGox address transferred 11,501 BTC 2 hours ago On March 25, according to the monitoring of The Data Nerd, the MtGox address transferred 11,501 BTC to 2 addresses 2 hours ago: · 893 4 BTC
18 November MtGox 관련 지갑 주소는 약 910만 달러 상당의 100비트 코인을 전송했습니다. iChainfo에 따르면 지난 3시간 동안 MtGox와 관련된 지갑 주소는 100비트 코인(약 910만 달러 상당)을 두 개의 주소로 전송했습니다
18 November MtGox related wallet address transferred 100 bitcoins, worth about 9.10 million dollars According to iChainfo, in the past three hours, the wallet address associated with MtGox transferred 100 bitcoins (worth about $9 10 million) to two addresses