7월 13일 주에 실업 수당을 신청하는 사람들의 수 243,000
7월 13일 주중에 실업급여를 신청하는 사람의 수는 23만 명으로 예상되었으며 이전 가치는 22만 2천 명이었습니다
7월 13일 주중에 실업급여를 신청하는 사람의 수는 23만 명으로 예상되었으며 이전 가치는 22만 2천 명이었습니다
The number of people applying for unemployment benefits in the week of July 13 243,000, expected 230,000, and the previous value 222,000
기업 수준의 데이터 플랫폼인 Allium은 Theory Ventures가 주도하는 펀딩 라운드에서 1,650만 달러를 모금했습니다 알리움은 새로 조성된 자금을 디지털 자
Allium, an enterprise-grade data platform, raised $16 50 million in a funding round led by Theory Ventures Allium said it plans to use the newl
공식 데이터에 따르면 7월 17일 현재 호주의 모노크롬 스팟 비트코인 ETF는 87 BTC를 보유하고 있으며 AUM은 약 849만 달러입니다
According to official data, as of July 17, the Monochrome Spot Bitcoin ETF in Australia held 87 BTC, with an AUM of about $8 49 million
According to CNN, former U S House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told Biden in a recent conversation that polls show he can& 039;t beat Trump and
According to CNN, former U S House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told Biden in a recent conversation that polls show he can& 039;t beat Trump and
In the "r mtgoxinsolvency" sub-section of the Mt Gox creditors section of the Reddit platform, multiple users reported problems logging into their
In the "r mtgoxinsolvency" sub-section of the Mt Gox creditors section of the Reddit platform, multiple users reported problems logging into their
The Democratic National Convention Rules Committee said on July 17 local time that the committee plans to hold a virtual vote between August 1
The Democratic National Convention Rules Committee said on July 17 local time that the committee plans to hold a virtual vote between August 1
카푸토 아르헨티나 경제장관은 최근 "아르헨티나 정부가 통화 발행을 중단하고 향후 아르헨티나 통화 총액은 외환 매입으로 인해 변동이 없거나 감소할 것 "이라고 발표했습니다
Caputo, Argentina s economy minister, recently announced that "the Argentine government will stop issuing currency, and the total amount of Argentine currency in the future will either remain unchanged or decrease due to foreign exchange purchases "
7월 17일, 모듈식 블록체인 네트워크인 Dymension은 도메인 네임 서비스인 DymNS의 출시를 발표했습니다 DymNS는 하나의 도메인 네임 서비스 아래에 여러
On July 17, Dymension, a modular blockchain network, announced the upcoming launch of its domain name service, DymNS DymNS integrates multiple bl
On July 17, South Korean prosecutors are applying for the arrest of a suspect suspected of manipulating the cryptocurrency market, named "Jonbur
On July 17, South Korean prosecutors are applying for the arrest of a suspect suspected of manipulating the cryptocurrency market, named "Jonbur
On July 17, according to the official website of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the US Attorney& 039;s Office for the District of Columbia today a
On July 17, according to the official website of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the US Attorney& 039;s Office for the District of Columbia today a