Solana chain DEX 24-hour transaction volume exceeds Ethereum
According to DeFiLlama data, in the past 24 hours, the transaction volume of the decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Solana chain reached 736 60
According to DeFiLlama data, in the past 24 hours, the transaction volume of the decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Solana chain reached 736 60
6월 30일, 크로스 체인 DeFi 프로토콜 Entgle은 소셜 플랫폼에서 Meme coin BorpaToken의 공식 푸시가 도난당했으며 사용자는 링크를 클릭해서는 안 된다고 말했습니다
On June 30, the cross-chain DeFi protocol Entangle said on the social platform that the official push of Meme coin BorpaToken was stolen, and users should not click on the link
Wuxi City는 "Wuxi on the Chain" 블록체인 혁신 및 응용 성과 전시회를 개최하여 Wuxi City가 지난 2년 동안 국가 블록체인 혁신 및 응용을 위한 종합
Wuxi City held the "Wuxi on the Chain" Blockchain Innovation and Application Achievements Exhibition, which comprehensively showcased the positive r
6월 29일, Superchain 기반 L2 솔루션인 Kroma는 다가오는 TGE를 발표하고 적격 Kroma OG, Galxe Kroma Quest 참여 사용자, WEMIX 커뮤니티 구성원, 게이
On June 29, Kroma, a Superchain-based L2 solution, announced the upcoming TGE and announced the eligibility criteria for airdrops, including eligib
Spot On Chain 모니터링에 따르면 Michael Egorov와 Christian 202 eth는 최근 5% 가격 하락 후 카운터에서 375만 CRV를 추가로 완료한 것으로 의심됩니다
According to Spot On Chain monitoring, Michael Egorov and christian202 eth are suspected to have completed another 3 75 million CRV over the count
据Spot On Chain监测,Michael Egorov和christian2022 eth在最近5%的价格下跌后疑似又完成了375万CRV场外交易。请注意,christian2022 eth曾在 6 月的$CRV危机后向 Michael
연방준비제도이사회는 총 93개 상대방을 6,645억 7천만 달러의 고정금리 역신고로 받아들였습니다
The Federal Reserve accepted a total of 93 counterparties of $664 57 billion in fixed-rate reverse repo operations
美联储在固定利率逆回购操作中总计接纳了93个对手方的6645 7亿美元。
Bowman 연방준비제도이사회 주지사는 의회가 중앙은행 디지털 통화에 별로 관심이 없는 것 같다고 말했습니다
Federal Reserve Governor Bowman said Congress doesn t seem to have much interest in central bank digital currencies
Starknet 기반 DeFi 프로젝트인 Nostra의 설립자인 David Garai는 NSTR 토큰이 공수된 지 2주도 채 되지 않아 CEO 자리에서 물러났습니다 가라이 씨는 X에
David Garai, founder of Nostra, a Starknet-based DeFi project, stepped down as chief executive less than two weeks after the NSTR token was aird
Zeta Markets, a decentralized exchange based on Solana, said on the X platform that more than 10 50 million ZEX were pledged in the first 24 hours
The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) announced in the official blog that based on the new EOS token economics, the EOS staking program will be laun
Zeta Markets, a decentralized exchange based on Solana, said on the X platform that more than 10 50 million ZEX were pledged in the first 24 hours