07 June PancakeSwap proposes airdrops for users/community contributors using LayerZero PancakeSwap has proposed a new airdrop distribution program to reward community contributors and users of LayerZero& 039;s cross-chain messaging solution
06 June PancakeSwap: 13,108개의 케이크가 수익 공유 풀에 참여하는 모든 잠금 스테이킹 사용자에게 배포되었습니다. PancakeSwap은 X 플랫폼에서 수익 공유 풀에 참여하는 모든 잠금 스테이킹 사용자에게 13,108 개의 케이크를 배포했습니다고 발표했습니다 이 케이크는 이전
06 June PancakeSwap: 13,108 cakes have been distributed to all lock-up staking users participating in the revenue sharing pool. PancakeSwap announced on the X platform that it has distributed 13,108 CAKE to all lock-up staking users participating in the revenue sharing poo