James Fickel은 ETH/BTC 환율을 오래 유지하여 24,400 ETH를 잃었습니다.
Lookonchain에 따르면 ETH BTC 환율이 떨어지자 James Fickel은 빚을 갚기 위해 2,000 ETH(613만 달러)를 67 39 WBTC에 교환했습니다 James Fickel은 여전히
Lookonchain에 따르면 ETH BTC 환율이 떨어지자 James Fickel은 빚을 갚기 위해 2,000 ETH(613만 달러)를 67 39 WBTC에 교환했습니다 James Fickel은 여전히
According to Lookonchain, as the ETH BTC exchange rate fell, James Fickel exchanged 2,000 ETH ($6 13 million) for 67 39 WBTC to pay off his debt
Traders downgraded their expectations for the probability of the Federal Reserve cutting rates in December to around 50%
Traders downgraded their expectations for the probability of the Federal Reserve cutting rates in December to around 50%
12월 연방준비제도이사회(FRB)가 금리를 25BP 인하할 확률은 67 3%로 파월 장관의 연설 전 72 2%와 비교됩니다
The probability of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates by 25BP in December fell to 67 3%, compared to 72 2% before Powell s speech
12월 금리 인하를 위해 CPI 데이터가 미리 잠겨 있습니까? 장애물을 조심하고 파월의 최근 발언을 들어보세요! 동시통역 생중계, 즉시 시청하세요>>
12월 연방준비제도이사회(FRB)가 금리를 25BP 인하할 확률은 67 3%로 파월 장관의 연설 전 72 2%와 비교됩니다
CPI data has been locked in advance for a December interest rate cut? Beware of roadblocks and listen to Powell s recent remarks! Simultaneous interpretation live broadcast, watch immediately > >
The probability of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates by 25BP in December fell to 67 3%, compared to 72 2% before Powell s speech
ETH BTC 환율은 0 03465까지 떨어져 2021년 4월 이후 최저치를 기록했습니다 시장은 불안정하니 위험 통제를 잘 해주세요
The ETH BTC exchange rate fell to 0 03465, the lowest since April 2021 The market is volatile, please take good risk control
10월 미국의 PPI 연간 비율은 2 4%였으며, 이전 값은 1 8%에서 1 9%로 수정되었습니다 < b>
< b > The annual rate of PPI in the United States in October was 2 4%, and the previous value was revised to 1 9% from 1 8% < b >
호주의 10월 분기 조정 실업률은 4 1%로 예상된 4 1%에 비해 이전의 4 1%와 비교됩니다 < b>
< b > Australia s October quarter-adjusted unemployment rate is 4 1%, compared to an expected 4 1%, compared to 4 1% previously < b >
On November 13, the central parity rate of the RMB against the US dollar stood at 7 1991, down 64 basis points from the previous trading day
중립적 금리에 대한 정책이 점진적으로 완화될 여지가 있을 수 있으며 더 강력한 데이터가 재무부 기간 보험료 상승의 배후에 있을 수 있다고 연방준비제
On November 13, the central parity rate of the RMB against the US dollar stood at 7 1991, down 64 basis points from the previous trading day
There may be room for a gradual easing of policy towards neutral interest rates, and stronger data may be behind the rise in Treasury term pre