SlowMist: Suspicious activity related to vETH has been detected, and users remain vigilant
Blockchain security firm SlowMist has issued a security alert, saying it has detected suspicious activity related to vETH tokens SlowMist reminds
Blockchain security firm SlowMist has issued a security alert, saying it has detected suspicious activity related to vETH tokens SlowMist reminds
11월 14일 바이낸스 발표에 따르면 Commonal(USUAL) 토큰은 다음과 같이 발표되었습니다 총 40억 달러이며, 초기 유통의 12 37%이며, 이 중 Launchpool의 총
On November 14, according to the Binance announcement, the Economics of the Commonal (USUAL) token was announced as follows: The total amount 4 b
According to Lookonchain monitoring, a trader increased his holdings of 1 92 million PNUT at an average price of $0 38 after PNUT was listed on Binance, and has since held it, with a floating profit of more than $2 20 million
According to Lookonchain monitoring, a trader increased his holdings of 1 92 million PNUT at an average price of $0 38 after PNUT was listed on Binance, and has since held it, with a floating profit of more than $2 20 million
웹 3 버그 현상금 플랫폼 Immunefi가 자금 도용으로 이어질 수 있는 심각한 취약성을 발견하고 버그 현상금 지급을 부당하게 거부했다고 비난한 후 90일
Web 3 bug bounty platform Immunefi has suspended white hat security company Trust Security for 90 days after accusing it of unjustly refusing to
Web3漏洞赏金平台Immunefi已对白帽安全公司Trust Security发出了为期 90 天的停职通知。此前,Trust Security指责Immunefi 不公正地拒绝支付漏洞赏金,原因是该公司发现了一
여러 암호화폐 보안 및 리서치 회사에 따르면 블록체인 기반 대출 플랫폼 델타 프라임이 두 달 만에 두 번째 공격을 받았습니다 최근 추산에 따르면 거
Blockchain-based lending platform Delta Prime has suffered its second attack in two months, according to multiple crypto security and research firm
태국 방콕에서 열린 Near Red 컨퍼런스에서 프라이버시 옹호자이자 전 국가안보국(NSA) 계약자인 Edward Snowden은 인공지능이 가져온 광범위한 감시 기능에
Speaking at the Near Redacted conference in Bangkok, Thailand, Edward Snowden, a privacy advocate and former National Security Agency (NSA) contrac
헤이그 법원은 바이낸스에게 20만 달러(18만6000유로)의 데이트 사기와 관련된 계정 소유자의 이름과 주소를 공개하라고 명령했다고 더치 타임즈가 보도했다
A court in The Hague has ordered Binance to publish the names and addresses of account holders linked to a 200,000 dollar (186,000 euro) dating
11월 8일, Guangming com에 따르면, 국가안전보위부는 가상화폐 투자와 국가 안보와 관련된 주요 사건을 발표했습니다 비밀 관련 공무원이 손해를 보고 가상화
On November 8th, according to Guangming com, the Ministry of State Security announced a major case involving virtual currency investment and nation
미국 안전 및 환경 집행국(BSEE): 허리케인 라파엘로 인해 미국 멕시코만 석유 생산의 17 4%가 중단되었습니다
U S Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE): Due to Hurricane Rafael, 17 4% of oil production in the U S Gulf of Mexico was shut down
미국 사이버 보안 및 인프라 보안 기관(CISA)은 일부 지역이 극심한 날씨와 인프라 장애의 영향을 받았지만 선거 인프라의 보안에 영향을 미치는 큰 사건
The US cyber security and infrastructure security agency (CISA) said that although some areas were affected by extreme weather and infrastructure