15 March Bitcoin-based decentralized blockchain lending protocol Templar Protocol complet Templar Protocol, a decentralized on-chain lending protocol based on Bitcoin, completed a $4 million Pre-Seed round of financing, with participation
15 March Bitcoin-based decentralized blockchain lending protocol Templar Protocol completes $4 million Pre-Seed round of funding Templar Protocol, a decentralized on-chain lending protocol based on Bitcoin, completed a $4 million Pre-Seed round of financing, with participation
15 March 基于比特币的去中心化链上借贷协议Templar Protocol完成400万美元Pre-Seed轮融资 <p><b>基于比特币的去中心化借贷协议Templar Protocol完成400万美元Pre-Seed轮融资< b>< p> <p>去中心化金融(DeFi)领域迎来重要进展 - 基于比特币网络的链上借贷协议Templar