20 March RedStone clarifies that it is not working with Web3Port or market maker Whisper The centralized oracle project RedStone released a statement to clarify that it has not partnered with Web3Port or market maker Whisper, and that
20 March RedStone clarifies that it is not working with Web3Port or market maker Whisper The centralized oracle project RedStone released a statement to clarify that it has not partnered with Web3Port or market maker Whisper, and that
20 March RedStone 澄清:未与 Web3Port 或做市商 Whisper 合作 <p><b>中心化预言机项目 RedStone 发布官方声明< b>,针对近期市场传闻进行澄清,明确表示<b>未与 Web3Port 或做市商 Whisper 建立任何形式的合作关系< b>。此前在社交媒体