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SlowMist released a ranking of the reasons for the loss of cryptoassets, saying that 99% of people cannot keep their own assets well

Slow Mist Technology Chief Information Security Officer 23pds posted on the X platform that the reasons for the loss of personal/institutional assets accounted for the ranking: 1. Mnemonic words, private key leakage, accounting for 32%; 2. Improper use of wallets, signature phishing, accounting for 18%; 3. Download fake wallets, fake trading software, accounting for 16%; 4. First and last numbers, Trojan software phishing, accounting for 13%; 5. Professional hacker gang attacks, accounting for 6%; 6. Fake chat software, intermediate tampering, accounting for 8%; 7. Storage trading platform was targeted attacks, phishing, accounting for 4%; 8. Transfer, operation errors, Pond's, contract vulnerabilities, etc., accounting for 3%; do you think your assets are safer? It's a joke. 99% of people don't take good care of their own assets, so don't expect to be in the 1%.