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Linyi police: cracked a case of using a virtual currency gambling APP and seized more than 10 million yuan in funds involved

According to Linyi Hedong official account, according to the Ministry of Public Security "net operation" related deployment, Linyi public security continued to strengthen the crackdown on network violations, early 2023, Linyi City Public Security Bureau Yihe New District Branch found an APP suspected of gambling in the work, and huge funds flow. Check the APP for the alleged offender division so-and-so inspired Zhao to develop, division so-and-so use their own identity and family members to open multiple fund pool accounts, members use virtual currency to exchange chips in the APP, through guessing the virtual currency exchange rate in different time periods The way of online gambling, since 2023, the public security organs of Yihe New District have arrested division so-and-so and other suspects involved in the case, and detained more than 10 million yuan of funds involved in the case. In May 2024, division so-and-so and others were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment by the people's court according to law.