Jupiter's "lock-in 2030" proposal is open for voting. If passed, its JUP position will rise to 7% of total supply after 5 years.
Jupiter co-founder Meow's "Lock 2030" proposal is now open for voting. There will be 3 options for voting: 1. Agree, Meow provides 280 million JUPs in advance and locks them until 2030 in exchange for 220 million JUP rewards. 2. Disagree, 280 million JUPs are from the team's strategic reserve. Meow's JUPs are unlocked as planned in June 2026. 3. Waiver. If option 1 passes, but the community does not think it is worth it, the veto power can be exercised, and the reward can be adjusted or cancelled.
According to Meow, the new Jupiter team members have been allocated about 280 million JUPs (3-4 year vesting period), and initially, the plan was to release the required JUPs from the team's strategic reserve. Now, Meow plans to pre-supply these tokens with its full JUP allocation (283 million after deducting 30%), and take the opportunity to gain strong support from the DAO and the community, and lock in for another 5 years. In return, it can request a reward of 220 million JUPs in 2030.
Meow said: "I want more ownership in the protocols I've created and built from scratch. With 220 million JUP rewards from the community reserve, plus the 280 million JUPs I'll own, I'll have 500 million JUPs by 2030. This equates to 7% of the current total supply. Considering I started Jupiter from scratch, it took over 4 years of numerous twists and turns to get it to where it is today, and a commitment to lock it in for 5 years, if Jupiter continues to perform well during that time, I don't think 7% is much."