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The first roundtable of the SEC Crypto Working Group included the general counsel of a16z crypto and Delphi Ventures

According to the SEC's official website, panellists at the first roundtable of the SEC's cryptocurrency working group to be held on March 21 include: Miles Jennings, general counsel of a16z crypto; Sarah Brennan, general counsel of investment firm Delphi Ventures; Collins Belton, managing partner of law firm Brookwood PC; Chris Brummer, professor of fintech at Georgetown Law School; Lewis Cohen, co-chair of CahillNXT; Coy Garrison, partner at Steptoe; Teresa Goody Guillen, partner at BakerHostetler; Troy Paredes, founder of Paredes Strategies LLC; Lee Reiners, lecturer at Duke Center for Financial Economics and Duke Law School; Benjamin Schiffrin, director of securities policy at Better Markets; Rodrigo Seira, special counsel at Cooley LLP; and John Reed Stark, president of John Reed Stark Consulting LLC.