PumpSwap's first day trading volume 668,000 USD, accounting for only 0.2% of Raydium
According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, PumpSwap performed as follows in the first 24 hours of its launch:
Transaction volume: 668,000 USD, ranked 7th in Solana Ecosystem DEX;
TVL (total lock-up value): $21.49 million;
Compared to mainstream DEXs, PumpSwap is still relatively small in scale.
The trading volume accounts for only 0.2% of Raydium, 0.04% of Uniswap, and 0.03% of PancakeSwap.
TVL accounts for only 1.87% of Raydium, 0.54% of Uniswap, and 1.28% of PancakeSwap.