22 March PumpSwap의 첫날 거래량은 668,000달러로 Rayium의 0.2%에 불과합니다. @ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 PumpSwap은 출시 첫 24시간 동안 다음과 같이 수행되었습니다 거래량: 668,000달러, Solana Ecosystem DEX에서 7위를 차지했
22 March PumpSwap's first day trading volume 668,000 USD, accounting for only 0.2% of Raydium According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, PumpSwap performed as follows in the first 24 hours of its launch: Transaction volume: 668,000 USD, ranked 7t
22 March PumpSwap 上线首日交易量 66.8 万美元,仅占 Raydium 的 0.2% <p><b>PumpSwap 上线首日数据曝光:交易量突破 66 8 万美元,TVL 达 2149 万美元< b>< p> <p>据@ai_9684xtpa 最新监测数据显示,新兴去中心化交易所 PumpSwap 在 Solana
21 March GMGN은 이제 PumpSwap을 통한 거래를 지원합니다. GMGN 공동 설립자인 Haze는 게시물에서 GMGN이 현재 PumpSwap을 통한 거래를 지원하고 있다고 말했습니다 Pump fun 오늘 AMM 플랫폼 PumpSwap의 출시를 발표했습니다
21 March GMGN now supports trading via PumpSwap GMGN co-founder Haze said in a post that GMGN now supports trading through PumpSwap Pump fun today announced the launch of the AMM platform PumpSwap
21 March Pump.fun推出PumpSwap,将与自动化做市商展开竞争 <p><b>Meme 币 Launchpad 平台 Pump fun 重磅推出 PumpSwap 服务< b>< p> <p>Pump fun 作为领先的 Meme 币 Launchpad 平台,近日宣布推出革命性的 PumpSwap 服务。