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The judge refused to bail Bitcoin Rodney on the grounds of escape risk and the seriousness of the fraud

Rodney Burton, nicknamed "Bitcoin Rodney," will remain in custody pending trial on charges of orchestrating a multi-billion dollar cryptocurrency fraud. Burton was arrested at Miami International Airport in January and faces charges of conspiring to operate an unlicensed money transfer business and actually operating such a business. U.S. District Judge Richard Bennett denied Burton's bail request on Tuesday, saying he was a significant flight risk. Last month, Burton asked to be released under strict, high-intensity supervision, but prosecutors believe he was deeply involved in a Ponzi scheme. They provided evidence of a recorded phone call in which Burton allegedly discussed plans to move to Dubai to continue his cryptocurrency activities, despite being aware that it could cause harm to others. The indictment details multiple illicit financial transactions. Judge Bennett highlighted the seriousness of the alleged $2 billion fraud and Burton's previous conviction for conspiracy to distribute cocaine, further confirming the decision to deny bail. No trial date has been set.