Dell plans to reach a $5 billion AI server deal with Musk's xAI
Dell plans to provide $5 billion worth of AI servers to Musk& 039;s xAI, which will be powered by Nvidia GB200 GPUs and is expected to be delivere
Dell plans to provide $5 billion worth of AI servers to Musk& 039;s xAI, which will be powered by Nvidia GB200 GPUs and is expected to be delivere
달러 지수 DXY는 단기적으로 거의 50포인트 상승했으며 현재 107 71에 거래되고 있습니다
주피터의 공식 성명은 모든 계약 수수료의 50%가 JUP를 재구매하고 3년 동안 잠그는 데 사용될 것이며 다음 주 월요일부터 재구매가 시작될 것이라고 말했습니다
The dollar index DXY rose nearly 50 points in the short term and is now trading at 107 71
Jupiter s official statement said that 50% of all agreement fees will be used to repurchase JUP and lock it in for three years, with the repurchase starting next Monday
달러 지수 DXY는 단기적으로 10포인트 이상 하락하여 장중 0 50% 하락했으며 현재 107 46에 거래되고 있습니다
The dollar index DXY fell more than ten points in the short term, falling 0 50% during the day and is now trading at 107 46
시장에 따르면 LTC는 130달러를 돌파했으며 현재 130 50달러로 24시간 15 5% 상승했습니다 시장은 크게 변동합니다 위험 통제를 잘 해주세요
The market shows that LTC has broken through $130 and is now quoted at $130 50, with a 24-hour increase of 15 5% The market fluctuates greatly Please do a good job in risk control
According to Whale Alert, about 20 minutes ago, 50,000 ETH (worth approximately $131,699,776) was transferred from ETHDev to an unknown wallet
According to Whale Alert, about 20 minutes ago, 50,000 ETH (worth approximately $131,699,776) was transferred from ETHDev to an unknown wallet
멕시코 중앙은행 총재는 다가오는 회의에서 금리를 50 베이시스 포인트 인하하는 것을 고려할 것이라고 말했습니다
The governor of Mexico s central bank said it would consider cutting interest rates by 50 basis points at its upcoming meeting
A wallet containing 50 bitcoins, mined about 15 years ago, suddenly became active, transferring about $5 million worth of tokens that were initia
A wallet containing 50 bitcoins, mined about 15 years ago, suddenly became active, transferring about $5 million worth of tokens that were initia
一个包含50枚比特币的钱包,大约15年前挖出的,突然变得活跃起来,转移了价值约500万美元的代币,而这些代币最初的价值仅为每个0 10美元。 比特币历史学家Pete Rizzo使用mempoo
Whale Alert에 따르면 오늘 베이징 시간으로 16시 50분경에 80만 LTC(79,556,932달러)가 알려지지 않은 지갑에서 바이낸스로 전송되었습니다
According to Whale Alert, 800,000 LTC ($79,556,932) were transferred from unknown wallets to Binance at around 16:50 Beijing time today
이더리움 네트워크는 검증자의 50% 이상의 지지를 얻은 후 PoS 메커니즘에 따라 처음으로 블록 가스 한도를 높이는 데 성공했습니다 데이터에 따르면 가스
The Ethereum network successfully raised the block gas limit for the first time under the PoS mechanism after gaining the support of more than