美参议院将于下周投票决定是否重新提名SEC民主党委员Caroline Crenshaw
据Fox Business记者Eleanor Terrett在X平台表示,参议院银行委员会将于下周三开会投票决定是否重新提名SEC民主党委员Caroline Crenshaw。如果参议院投票通过,她将能够在委员会
据Fox Business记者Eleanor Terrett在X平台表示,参议院银行委员会将于下周三开会投票决定是否重新提名SEC民主党委员Caroline Crenshaw。如果参议院投票通过,她将能够在委员会
FOX 비즈니스 기자 Eleanor Terrett에 따르면 증권거래위원회(SEC)는 SOL Spot ETF 지원자 2명에게 19b4 신청이 거부될 것이라고 통보했습니다 소식통에 따
According to FOX Business reporter Eleanor Terrett, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has notified at least two applicants for the SOL Spot
Eleanor Terrett of FOX Business wrote on the X platform: "Industry attention is now turning to who Trump will choose to lead the CFTC, another
FOX Business记者 Eleanor Terrett 在X平台发文表示:“目前行业的注意力转向特朗普将选择谁领导CFTC,这是新政府下将在Crypto监管中发挥关键作用的另一个机构。我听说一些候
Eleanor Terrett of FOX Business wrote on the X platform: "Industry attention is now turning to who Trump will choose to lead the CFTC, another
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As Nvidia strengthens its presence in South East Asia, the company& 039;s founder and CEO Huang Renxun has agreed to open an artificial intelligence
FOX 비즈니스 기자 Eleanor Terrett에 따르면 CFTC 커미셔너 Caroline D 팸은 새 CFTC 의장 후보 중 한 명이며, 새 지도부 하에서 바이든 시대의 집행 활동 중단이 의제로 다뤄지고 있습니다
According to FOX Business reporter Eleanor Terrett, CFTC Commissioner Caroline D Pham is one of the candidates for the new CFTC chair, and under the new leadership, a suspension of Biden-era enforcement actions is on the agenda
FOX Business reporter Eleanor Terrett said in a statement that sources said Trump will announce the replacement of Gary Gensler as the new chairperson of the SEC as soon as tomorrow
FOX Business reporter Eleanor Terrett said in a statement that sources said Trump will announce the replacement of Gary Gensler as the new chairperson of the SEC as soon as tomorrow
FOX Business에 따르면 뉴욕의 최고 암호화폐 규제 기관인 뉴욕 금융 서비스부(NYDFS)가 국경을 초월한 이체 회사인 Riple이 발행하는 새로운 스테이블 코인
According to FOX Business, New York& 039;s top cryptocurrency regulator - the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) - is about to approve
据 FOX Business ,纽约最高加密货币监管机构–纽约金融服务部(NYDFS)–即将批准跨境支付公司 Ripple 发行的一种新的稳定币RLUSD。 知情人士表示,纽约金融服务部已向 R
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Ulrich Leuchtmann, head of FX and commodities research at Commerzbank, said in a note that the dollar& 039;s strength since the US Presidential Electi
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