Coinbase는 Solana Meme Coin MOODENG을 나열했습니다.
공식 발표에 따르면 코인베이스는 솔라나 체인 밈 코인 무당을 상장했습니다 유동성 조건이 충족되면 2024년 12월 4일 오전 9시(태평양 표준시) 이후 거래가 시작됩니다
공식 발표에 따르면 코인베이스는 솔라나 체인 밈 코인 무당을 상장했습니다 유동성 조건이 충족되면 2024년 12월 4일 오전 9시(태평양 표준시) 이후 거래가 시작됩니다
According to the official announcement, Coinbase has listed the Solana chain Meme coin MOODENG If liquidity conditions are met, trading will begin on or after 9:00 a m (Pacific Time) on December 4, 2024
On November 30th, according to a number of foreign media reports, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has arrived in Palm Beach, Florida, USA, and w
On November 30th, according to a number of foreign media reports, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has arrived in Palm Beach, Florida, USA, and w
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According to foreign media reports, the Reserve Bank of Australia will almost certainly keep interest rates unchanged at a 12-year high of 4 35%
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Goldman Sachs said it expects the Fed to implement 25 basis points of rate cuts at each meeting from November 2024 to June 2025, after previously forecasting quarterly rate cuts in 2025
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