04 January 공안부가 가상화폐 관련 '해킹 사건'을 감독하고 해결했다. 5명이 2억 건의 개인정보를 빼돌려 640만 위안 이상을 불법으로 벌었다.#} 쓰촨 Sichuan Neijiang City Public Security Bureau held a press briefing to announce that the Neijiang police recently cracked a case of illegally obta
04 January The Ministry of Public Security supervised the "hacking case" involving virtual currency and solved it. Five people stole 200 million pieces of personal information and illegally made more than 6.4 million yuan Sichuan Neijiang City Public Security Bureau held a press briefing to announce that the Neijiang police recently cracked a case of illegally obta
07 November 레산 경찰은 대형 지하 은행의 사건을 적발했습니다. 국경을 초월한 가상화폐 송금에 관련된 금액은 380억 위안에 달했습니다.#} 쓰촨성 레산의 The police in Leshan, Sichuan, successfully cracked a large cross-regional underground banking network, involving 13 provinces across the country, i
07 November Leshan police cracked the case of a large underground bank: the amount involved in the cross-border transfer of virtual currency reached 38 billion yuan The police in Leshan, Sichuan, successfully cracked a large cross-regional underground banking network, involving 13 provinces across the country, i