출처: Harris는 당선되면 Gary Gensler를 재무장관으로 임명하는 것을 고려할 것입니다.
상원 소식통에 따르면 카말라 해리스가 당선되면 게리 겐슬러를 재무장관으로 임명하는 것을 고려할 것이라고 합니다
상원 소식통에 따르면 카말라 해리스가 당선되면 게리 겐슬러를 재무장관으로 임명하는 것을 고려할 것이라고 합니다
Senate sources say Kamala Harris, if elected, would consider appointing Gary Gensler as Treasury secretary
8월 7일, 최근 민주당 부통령 후보인 해리스의 파트너로 선정된 팀 왈즈 미네소타 주지사가 2022년 10월 전 FTX 엔지니어링 이사인 니샤드 싱으로부터 4,0
On August 7, it was reported that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who was recently selected as the Democratic vice presidential candidate Harris& 039; pa
미국 대선의 민주당 후보인 해리스가 부통령 후보와 함께 다음 주에 주요 주를 방문할 예정인데, 이 문제에 정통한 두 사람이 화요일에 공개되어 그녀의
Harris, the Democratic contender for the U S presidential election, will visit key states next week with her vice presidential nominee, two peopl
비트코인 2024 컨퍼런스에서 트럼프는 자신의 대통령 당선이 미국을 가장 낮은 에너지와 전기 비용을 가진 국가로 만들 것이며, 미국은 논란의 여지가 없는
Speaking at the Bitcoin 2024 conference, Trump said that his election as president would make the United States the country with the lowest ener
해리스 부통령은 대통령에 당선되면 중산층에 세금을 올리지 않겠다고 약속했습니다
Vice President Harris has promised not to raise taxes on the middle class if elected president
트럼프는 대통령에 당선되면 JP모건 체이스의 CEO인 디몬을 재무장관으로 초청하는 방안을 검토하겠다고 말했습니다
Trump said that if elected president, I would consider inviting Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, to be Treasury Secretary
폴리마켓 자료에 따르면 오늘 바이든의 당선 확률은 10%, 트럼프의 당선 확률은 61%, 카말라 해리스 부통령의 당선 확률은 19%까지 높아질 것으로 예측된다
According to Polymarket data, the probability of Biden s election is predicted to be 10% today; the probability of Trump s election is predicted to be 61%, and the probability of Vice President Kamala Harris s election is predicted to rise to 19%
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 9% In comparison, Trump s probability of being elected is 61%
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 9% In comparison, Trump s probability of being elected is 61%
According to the prediction market Polymarket information, Biden s election probability fell to 15% today, setting a new record low again, and Trump s election probability is currently 64%
According to the prediction market Polymarket information, Biden s election probability fell to 15% today, setting a new record low again, and Trump s election probability is currently 64%
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 16%
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 16%