• 34ºc, Sunny

Jupiter: Terminal V3 upgrade completed

According to Solana Ecosystem DEX Jupiter, Terminal has been upgraded to V3 on the X platform Terminal is Jupiter s open-source lite, and now supports instant routing, smart token filtering, and ecosystem token listings

Jupiter:已完成Terminal V3升级

据Solana生态DEX Jupiter在X平台宣布Terminal已升级到V3版本,Terminal 是 Jupiter 的开源精简版,现已推出对即时路由、智能令牌过滤、生态系统代币列表的支持。

Jupiter launches new proposal for Uplink budget

Solana Ecosystem DEX Jupiter announced in a post on the X platform that a new proposal for the Uplink budget has been launched, and users can now vote on whether to fund the UplinkWG to continue to achieve its goal of communicating with the public