07 August 텍사스 경찰은 기프트 카드와 비트코인과 관련된 사기 신고를 20-30건 받았습니다. 텍사스 주 러벅 경찰은 비트코인 관련 사기가 크게 증가했으며 피해자들은 큰 손실을 입었다고 보고했습니다 지난 몇 달 동안 20~30명이 기프트 카드와
07 August Texas police have received 20 to 30 reports of fraud involving gift cards and bitcoin Police in Lubbock, Texas, have reported a significant increase in bitcoin-related scams, with victims suffering heavy losses In the past few mont
24 July 비트코인 채굴 주식의 시장 가치는 지난 2주 동안 수십억 달러 증가했습니다. 주요 암호화폐 채굴주의 시가총액은 지난 2주 동안 크게 증가했으며, 대부분의 기업은 두 자릿수 상승률을 달성했습니다 시가총액이 7월 8일 55억 1천만
24 July The market value of bitcoin mining stocks has increased by billions of dollars in the past two weeks The market capitalization of major cryptocurrency mining stocks has risen significantly over the past two weeks, with most companies achieving doub
23 July Yesterday, the number of DAU addresses on the Base chain exceeded 1.22 million IntoTheBlock said on the X platform that there has been a significant increase in activity on the Base chain in the past seven days Yesterday,
23 July Yesterday, the number of DAU addresses on the Base chain exceeded 1.22 million IntoTheBlock said on the X platform that there has been a significant increase in activity on the Base chain in the past seven days Yesterday,
18 July 연방준비제도이사회 Goolsby: 실질 금리 측면에서 우리는 상당히 강화되었습니다. Goolsbee 연준은 "우리는 실질 금리 측면에서 상당히 강화했습니다 "라고 말했습니다
18 July Federal Reserve Goolsby: In terms of real interest rates, we have tightened significantly Mr Goolsbee, the Fed, said "we have tightened substantially in terms of real interest rates "