He Yi released Meme Learning Notes: Investors should choose to hold or profit according to the market cycle
Binance co-founder He Yi posted a personal Meme learning note on social media, saying that Meme crosses cultural boundaries and represents the final expression of the crowd and the influence of subcultures on the mainstream culture. Every culture has a group that resonates, and Meme does not follow trends, but creates them.
Dogecoin, as a symbol of crypto culture, proves that Meme is derived from community consensus rather than celebrity remarks. Real Meme comes from cultural accumulation, not short-term focus on hot spots. Long-termism is still valid. Investors should operate according to the market cycle and understand when to hold or profit. The crypto market will be stable over time, and opportunities will always exist. My assets are mainly tokens. The long-term holding style is not suitable for most people, but some principles can be referred to: earn profits through the economic cycle, sell in a bull market, and buy in a bear market. In terms of asset allocation, at least 20% should be invested in tokens. When using leverage or investing in high-risk tokens, it should not exceed 10% of disposable assets. The most important thing is to understand the principles and put them into practice. Like losing weight, it is easy to understand but difficult to implement.