US politicians can accept cryptocurrency donations on the Base chain
US politicians can accept cryptocurrency donations on the Base chain According to the Supportcrypto website, supporters can choose from more than
US politicians can accept cryptocurrency donations on the Base chain According to the Supportcrypto website, supporters can choose from more than
디지털 챔버는 Kamala Harris에게 편지를 보내 세 가지 주요 요구를 했습니다 미국 민주당 플랫폼의 친디지털 자산 옹호 목록, 디지털 자산 정책에 정통
The Digital Chamber has written to Kamala Harris and made three key demands: list pro-digital asset advocacy in the U S Democratic platform; sel
바이든 부통령이 탈퇴를 선언하자 공화당 하원의장 존슨은 바이든 부통령에게 "즉시" 사임할 것을 촉구했습니다 존슨은 성명을 통해 "바이든 부통령이 대선
민주당 온라인 모금 플랫폼 액트 블루: 바이든이 대선 경선에서 탈락한 후 민주당은 5천만 달러 이상을 모금했습니다
After Biden announced his withdrawal, Johnson, the Republican speaker of the U S House of Representatives, called on Biden to resign "immediately"
Democratic Party online fundraising platform ActBlue: After Biden dropped out of the presidential race, the Democratic Party raised more than 50 million dollars
Michael Moritz, a major Democratic donor, has urged Biden to withdraw
Michael Moritz, a major Democratic donor, has urged Biden to withdraw
U S Democratic Rep Jamie Raskin has sent a letter to U S President Joe Biden asking him to consult with his party colleagues on whether to
U S Democratic Rep Jamie Raskin has sent a letter to U S President Joe Biden asking him to consult with his party colleagues on whether to
Barkin은 연준이 7월 정책 회의에서 인플레이션을 높게 묘사하는 것이 여전히 적절한지 논의할 것이라고 확신하며, 어떤 경우에도 25 베이시스 포인트 금리
Barkin said he was confident the Fed would discuss at its July policy meeting whether it was still appropriate to describe inflation as high, a
According to CBS, a letter from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in the United States shows that the committee has decided that it will
According to CBS, a letter from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in the United States shows that the committee has decided that it will
미국의 유명 금융 서비스 회사인 캔터 피츠제럴드의 CEO 하워드 루트닉이 다음 주 내슈빌에서 열리는 비트코인 2024 컨퍼런스에서 연설합니다 (비트코인 매거진)
Howard Lutnick, CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, a well-known US financial services firm, will speak at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville next week (Bitcoin Magazine)
월스트리트 저널에 따르면: 연방준비제도이사회 윌리엄스는 연방준비제도이사회가 금리인하에 더 가깝지만 이를 시행할 준비가 되어 있지 않다고 말했습니다
According to the Wall Street Journal: Federal Reserve Williams said the Federal Reserve is closer to cutting interest rates, but not ready to im
Shapeshift의 창립자인 Erik Voorhees는 미국의 국가 부채가 재앙적인 궤도로 향하고 있다고 경고했습니다 그는 채권 시장이 붕괴되고 파괴될 것으로 예상하